No.14752, Corporal, Frederick WILKIN
Aged 32
Born in 3rd qtr 1884 Bury St.Edmunds 4a:668, son of Robert Southgate and Maria WILKIN (née SPINK)
1891 census...Aged 6, he was at 74 St Andrews Street, Bury St.Edmunds with his father Robert Southgate WILKIN [47] screen machine erector, born Bardwell; his mother Maria [48] born Fornham; sister Ellen [21]and brother John R [12]. The children were all born in Bury St.Edmunds. Also there was a visitor, widow Mary HAKEN [77] born Thurston 1901 census...Aged 16, engineering turner, he was at 50 St.Andrews Street, Bury St.Edmunds with his parents; sister Ellen; brother John R (engineer turner); cousin Dorothy Kate [2] born Fornham St Martin His mother died in 1905, she had lost 2 of her 5 children. 1911 census...Aged 26, an iron turner, he was at 50 St Andrews Street still, with his widower father, sister Ellen maria; brother John Robert [iron turner]; cousin Pretoria May Thorogood [10] born Fornham St Martin |
He enlisted in Bury St.Edmunds.
The 8th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment had been involved in the disastrous first day of the Somme (July 1st), but were actually held in reserve and suffered few casualties. However it was a different story on the 19th. They was around Talus Boise/Longueval The War Diary has:- TALUS BOISE -LONGUEVAL 19 July 1:20 am Bde Major came in to Bn HQ dugout and said Bde had to move and retake Delville Wood, which the enemy had counter- attacked. Battn marched up through MONTAUBAN and thence to place of rendezvous Point S.22.d.2.5., arriving about 4am in sunken road from MONTAUBAN - Longueval being heavily shelled 5 am About this time the 5th Norfolk Regt, who had been ordered to clear the wood, started to move up, followed by the 6th R Berks Regt and the 10th Essex Regt. The 8th Suffolk was ordered to re take the village of Longueval at 8 o'clock. 8 am "B" Coy (Maj A H CATCHPOLE) who were to form the first wave, and to form up on the line PRINCES ST with their right resting on the wood, started to move up the sunken road and valley in artillery formation:- the road and valley were being heavily shelled at the time and a number of casualties resulted:-"C" Coy (Capt A WOOD) followed with orders to form up behind "B" Coy, followed by "A" Coy (Capt P C BULL) and "D" Coy (Capt J LACK) - Progress was very slow owing to continual blocks from the front. - Battn HQ moved up into a small chalk quarry on right of sunken road. Bde Major came up to know the situation - message received from Major Catchpole that his company was formed up but that the Berkshire Regt on his right were not in position - owing to delay bombardment continued until 11 am Bde Major killed 12:25pm Stokes guns were ordered to barrage enemy strong points. Battn HQ moved up to trench off right of sunken road at entrance to village - Heavy barrage on village continued. Capt Lack wounded, also 2/Lts CF Fousham, HC Crosher and V N Rawes :- Our bombardment continued until 1:30 pm 1:30 pm Assault delivered , met with very heavy artillery barrage and machine gun fire - Enemy were found to have a trench about 200 yards in front of PRINCES Street "B" Coy had heavy casualties - 2 Lt Page killed whilst trying to surround a machine gun.- Great difficulty was found in keeping touch with the Berkshire Regt owing to enemy strong point at junction of Princes Street and Delville Wood. Throughout the afternoon the enemy shelling was very heavy and no headway could be made in spite of various attempts. "A" Coy dug themselves in some distance behind Princes Street. 6:23 pm Message received from Bde HQ ordering Battn to consolidate on its present line. Battn HQ moved back to Report Centre in chalk quarry - Major Catchpole wounded - Heavy shelling by both side all night. CWGC had 19 of the battalion killed on 19th, only three have known graves.
click here to go to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website for full cemetery/memorial details |