This website is an on-going project, but it was felt that a hard copy record should be be available. email:
With some fiancial support from Councillor Ben Williams Forest Heath Community Grant and in collaboration with the Newmarket Local History Society and
support from Exning British Legion a book was produced in time for November 11th 2013.
Copies were given to the various local organisations, such as Exning Primary Schol, Newmarket Library, St Martin's Church, Exning and the Suffolk Records
Office in Bury St Edmunds. The remainder of the small print run was quickly sold out at £10.50 a copy in Exning Post Office and Newmarket Library.
Currently there is a discussion taking place as to the possibility of a re-print to satisfy some demand and to update the information where necessary.
Cost will increase slightly as the run will be smaller and there will be some new setting up costs, however, should this be deemed viable, then as they say "Watch this Space"
If and when any new copies are available,
then please