To the eternal memory of the men of HONINGTON who died in the service of their country
1 in the Boer War, 3 in the Great War of 1914-1919 and 3 in 1939-1945
The war memorial for Honington consists of two marble plaques in All Saints Church. Unveiled on 5th December 1920 by the Duke of Grafton and dedicated by Canon W.Farmilae An engraved tablet made from four different coloured types of marble, mounted on the north, inside wall of the church. The main tablet commemorates just 3 names who died during the Great War. Rank, first name, any other initials, and surname are given. Beneath is a small rectangular tablet commemorating a further 3 who died in WW2. No rank is given, but first name, initials and surname are given. There is also a Roll of Honour scroll with the names of those that served, only Clifford Goddard is annotated as killed, Fred Cutting and Martin Stutters are not annotated as killed. However a Sidney Rogers is annotated as killed but is not on the war memorial, it is believed he is the man named on the Troston war memorial. The inscription on the Great War plaque is:- On a scroll on a pediment above the panel IN THE MEMORY OF THE MEN OF THIS PARISH WHO DIED IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919 PTE FRED E. CUTTING PTE CLIFFORD GODDARD PTE MARTIN H.STUTTERS and on a lower panel:- MELVIN C. RUSHBROOK JOHN SIMPER FREDERICK W. SPARKE and in the morning, we will remember them go BACK to Honington home page They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, |