To the eternal memory of the men of WEST WICKHAM & STREETLY END
who died in the service of their country
Fourteen in the Great War of 1914-1919 and four from 1939-1945
In the churchyard of St Mary's, West Wickham, to the right of the path, a rough hewn stone Latin cross on a domed rough stone plinth on a two stepped base.
The memorial was unveiled on 24th October 1920 by Mr S.O.Webb. It was recorded in the Cambridge Independent Press of 29th October. Cambridge Independent Press - WEST WICKHAM - WAR MEMORIAL A large cross of rough Cornish granite has been erected in the Churchyard, to the memory of the soldiers from the village who gave their lives in the Great War. It was unveiled by Mr. S.O.Webb, at the afternoon service on Sunday,October 24th. The service of dedication was preached by the Rev.R.P.Moline, rector of Cottenham, who was formerly curate of the parish. The church was packed, many people being unable to obtain seats. Several wreaths and many flowers were laid at the foot of the memorial by relatives and friends of the fallen at the conclusion of the service. The dedication reads:- TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN HONOURED MEMORY OF MEN OF THIS PARISH WHO FELL IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919 then the initials and surnames of the fourteen men, in two columns, separated by a vertical line. beneath them originally was a further line of dedication THEIR NAMES SHALL LIVETH EVERMORE After the 1939-1945 war the face of the plinth was redesigned, apparently by cutting back the face, the vertical line was not on this version the names of the four who fell on 1939-1945 are added and that last line of dedication is no longer there :- West Wickham St.Mary's Church go BACK to West Wickham home page |
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.