To the eternal memory of the men of HORRINGER and ICKWORTH who died in the service of their country
32 in the Great War of 1914-1919 and 10 from 1939-145
The Great War memorial is a slate tablet with gilded lettering, fromed in a white stone surround, all in a decorative frmee with a rounded pediment
at the top enclosing a cross surrounded by leaves. 1.7 metres high and 1.2 metres wide. On the west wall of the church, designed by Sir Charles
Nicholson, unveiled by the Marquis of Bristol on 1st July 1920, dedicted by the Rev.Hodges, Archdeacon of Sudbury. Reported in the Bury Free
Press of 3rd July 1920.
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Horringer St Leonard's Church
go BACK to Horringer and Ickworth home page They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, |